How do I place an order for a Picoo set? How do I purchase a Picoo set? Where do I buy a Picoo set?
You order a set by requesting a quote through this form on our webshop. Here you will be asked to fill in the following:
- Organization name
- First name
- Surname
- Address
- Postal code
- Location
- Country
- What you would like to receive a quote for
You can also add comments so we can take them directly into account when preparing the quote.
Once the quote is approved, we can book the order. For this we need some additional information:
- Name and address for invoice (if different from quotation)
- Email address to which the invoice may be sent (if different from the quotation)
- Name and (email) address for shipping the package, if different from billing information
Tip: Want to order extra fast? Then send the above right along with your request or agreement to the quote!
After the order is entered you will receive an invoice via email. The package usually delivered within 4 weeks of the order